Lavender Body Butter

There’s something about putting together the simplest of ingredients and then whipping it up into this luxurious, natural, and nourishing lotion. This Lavender Body Butter does just that; it’s simple to make with minimal ingredients. If you add a tablespoon of arrowroot powder to this recipe, it will help the body butter absorb more quickly into your skin.

Materials Needed

1 cup Coconut Oil

1/4 cup Cocoa Butter Wafers

1 tbsp Almond Oil

25 Drops Lavender

1 tbsp Arrowroot (optional)

  1. Melt the coconut oil and wafer butter over low heat.
  2. Stick in a fridge (around 30 minutes) or a freezer (around 15 minutes) until the mixture becomes opaque and starts to harden along the lines.
  3. Using a stand mixer, whip the mixture until it becomes creamy, light, and fluffy. As you are mixing the mixture, drizzle the almond oil into the bowl and add your essential oils. Next, sprinkle your arrowroot over the mixture and allow to blend for a few seconds.
  4. Turn off mixer and store in a glass mason jar.

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