Lead Generation With Your iTOVi

You care about generating leads for your essential oil business.
And the iTOVi Scanner does an amazing job assisting you in your lead generation!

Leads Are Created By:

Talking to People

Find your golden leads by talking to as many people as possible!

The Personal Plan gives you tools to:

  • Find places to talk to people
  • Practice your conversation skills
  • Offer free iTOVi scan
  • Schedule your follow up

Knowing the Value of Your Product

Your ability to spark interest in your essential oil products and get leads (as well as educate your clients, give great wellness consultations, and offer high quality support to your team) depends on how well you know the value of your products!

  • Study your products (with iTOVI Premium Content)
  • Scan yourself often!
  • Practice wellness for yourself!
  • Gather and share stories

Find People To Talk To Through:

  • Local events (farmers markets, vendor expos, health and fitness classes, boutiques, etc)
  • Your own events and locations (classes that you organize, your place of business, etc)
  • Media and online platforms (webinars, content subscriptions, forums, online communities, etc
  • Organic opportunities (conversations you start on the bus, at the park, or wherever else you go!)


Practice pleasant greetings, polite questions, and/or powerful attention grabbers!


Practice active listening, empathizing, validating, and going with the flow of conversation.


Practice smoothly adapting your invitations (i.e. to get a scan, try products, come to a wellness class, etc) to fit the conversation at hand.

Top 3 ways to use the iTOVi Scanner in these conversations:

Cold Scan Invitations

You can catch someone’s attention by offering them a free scan. “Hey, would you like a free iTOVi Scan?” “What’s an iTOVi Scan?” they’ll say. And boom—you’ve already started a conversation.

Targeted Scans

Offer a scan customized to what they are interested in! If they tell you they’ve been working on their gut health? Offer to scan them specifically for digestive-support products! Have they been dealing with anxiety? Make a product group of the top anxiolytic wellness products and scan them for those specific products! Do they feel lost regarding their wellness and don’t know where to start? Try a general scan to spark ideas for a wellness plan!

Introduce the iTOVi Scanner as a Tool

Recommend it as:

  • a great tool to help them check in with themselves and be in tune with their body
  • a great family wellness tool
  • a great business-building tool
  • and more!

Secure the Follow Up:

  • I’d love to stay in contact with you. Do you mind if I reach out to you next week and we can talk more about ______?
  • I’d be happy to send you more information on that top product you scanned for. Would you mind if I emailed/texted you some material on it later?
  • I’m actually running an essential oils and meditation class next week. It’s a great class for stress relief. Can I send you an invitation for it?

Reach Out!

For expert tips on following up with clients, sign up for one of our training webinars with our VP business marketing Cy Tidwell!

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Helpful Resources

iTOVi International

Find Your iTOVi Community World-Wide!

Oils & Affirmations

Essential Oils & Affirmations for Each Energy Chakra

11 Essential Oils for Hair Support

How can essential oils support your haircare routine?

The Science of Vibes

How does energy play a part in our wellness?


Claim your FREE month or $150 off the industry leading wellness scanner!