WATCH: iTOVi Product Groups: How to Filter Scan Results
Whether you use your iTOVi for personal wellness, business building, or both—iTOVi Product Groups are bound to be incredibly useful to you!
Product groups can be used to help you optimize and find more success in just about anything you do with your iTOVi Scanner, including:
- personal wellness tracking
- making business contacts
- creating wellness plans
- teaching wellness & essential oil classes
- enhancing client interactions and maximizing sales during events, practitioner appointments, or wellness consultations
- optimizing the contents and use of your personal oil inventory
- taking care of your pets and non-verbal family members
- and more!
All it takes is a little training on how to make and use product groups, and you’ll be reaping more iTOVi benefits in no time!
How to Create a Product Group
Creating product groups is easy!
All you need to do is 1) know what you want a product group for (see the personal-use and business ideas listed below) and 2) follow the instructions below!
- Open the iTOVi App to the Home Page
- Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner of the Home Page
- Tap “Product Groups” from the menu (it should be the second one down)
- Tap the pink + button in the bottom right corner of the screen
- Name your product group on the line where it says “Enter Group Name…” (i.e. “Products I Have”, “Skincare Class Oils”, “Digestion Products”, Oils for Acceptance”, etc)
- Scroll down and select all the products that you want to be included in the product group you are creating.
- Tap the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. This should take you to the main “Product Groups” page where the new product group you’ve just created should be listed.
How Can I Edit An Existing Product Group?
- Open the iTOVi App to the Home Page
- Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner of the Home Page
- Tap “Product Groups” from the menu (it should be the second one down)
- Find the product group you are looking for on the list and tap “View” to the right of it.
- Once you have that product group opened up, tap “Edit” in the top right-hand corner.
- Use the list to select any products you want to add to the group and/or deselect any product you want to take out of the group.
- Tap the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. This should take you to the main “Product Groups” page where the product group you’ve just edited should be listed.
Product Groups for Personal, Home, & Family Use
While you can get many personal wellness benefits out of doing general, all-product scans (especially if you do them regularly)—you can also use product groups to target your scans towards specific areas of your wellness!
Scanning with product groups (especially if you scan regularly) can help you
- Get to know your own body
- Optimize your wellness choices, including your choice of wellness products,
- Adapt your wellness response as needed in specific situations
Product Group Ideas:
Practical Product Groups
- Oils I Have: Create a product group for the oils you have so you can quickly find the best wellness-intervention options among them!
- Safe for Pets: Find a reliable list of which wellness products are safe for your pet. Create a product group with these products and then only ever scan them using that product group! This will help you find the best solutions for Fido while being sure to keep him safe!
- Travel: You can’t always take all your oils with you. While on the road, use a product group to scan for just the oils you brought along and pick the best among them to help you! (For long-distance travel, we recommend bringing your immune-supportive wellness products.)
- Favorites: Only in a mood to diffuse/use your favorites? Find which of them your body is responding to most and go for it!
Physical Wellness Product Groups
- Pre-bedtime Products: Want help winding down? Create a product group of the oils you find most relaxing and use a quick scan at night to find out which one to use that night!
- Digestion: Scan only for products related to your digestive health. Scan before or after meals to help you identify the best wellness product to help you digest smoothly! (Do this with any Body System Category)
- Brain: Scan only for products related to your brain health. Scan anytime you feel your brain slowing down, getting fogged up, or overwhelmed. Use these scans to identify the best wellness products to help you get the most brain power out of your days!
- Structural: Scan only for products related to your musculoskeletal health. Scan after your workouts, before bed, or any time you’re feeling sore. Use these scans to identify your best wellness product to combine with a tension-relieving massage or bath!
- Etc.
Emotional Wellness Product Groups
- Joy: Scan only for products related to Joy in the Emotions Wheel. Scan anytime you want a little emotional pick-me-up or want help to savor the good in your life. Identify the “Joy” product(s) you typically respond to most strongly and capitalize on it! (Do this with any Emotions Wheel Category)
- Acceptance: Scan only for products related to Acceptance in the Emotions Wheel. Scan anytime you struggle with loving yourself, including loving your body, forgiving yourself, or positively embracing your identity. Identify the “Acceptance” product(s) you typically respond to most strongly and capitalize on it! (Do this with any Emotions Wheel Category)
- Root Chakra: Scan only for products related to the different qualities, body parts, and emotions of the Root Chakra. Use your results to create a custom blend to accompany you while you work with this chakra in your mediation practice. (Do this with any of the seven chakras).
* Note that these product groups may be especially useful to use on family members who cannot verbally express their emotional state/needs (children, the elderly, those with communication disorders, etc)
Product Groups for Business Use
The iTOVi Scanner is one of the most powerful business-building tools out there—especially when you know just how to use it to enhance first-time client interactions, follow-ups, wellness consultations, classes, and sales.
To learn more about how the iTOVi Scanner can be a great business tool, we recommend:
- Jon McGarry Training Webinars—sign up here!
- Best Practices, Scripts, & Tips for Effective Follow Up
- 90 Days to Diamond pdf
- Cheat Sheet: 5 Ways to Explain the iTOVi Scanner
Combine these resources with the following product groups and you’ll be ranking up in no time!
Product Group Ideas:
Street Contacting, Follow-ups, & Wellness Consultations :
- Any of the product groups listed above that you feel is appropriate based pn your conversation(s) with the client/potential client.
- Street Case Oils: By only scanning potential clients for the oils you have on hand, you can be sure that, whatever the #1 product in their scan report—you’ll be able to pull it out right then and there so they can try it!
- Starter Kit Products: Make it easier for clients to get started! Not everyone is ready to start with one of the more obscure essential oil products like Marjoram, Helichrysum, or Zendocrine, so use this product group to help them find the best starter kit products for them so that they can more easily begin using and loving their oils!
Events & Classes
- Any of the product groups listed above that you feel is appropriate based on your conversation with the client/potential client.
- Match the theme: Create a product group to match the theme or the event or class you are attending/hosting (i.e. Skin Care, Stress-Management, Cooking, Oral Health, Fitness, etc!) Offer free scans, create personalized roller blends, get conversations started, and make sales! You can create a class and a product group centered on any hobby you have/wellness subject you are passionate about!
Basically, however you use your iTOVi Scanner—you are missing out if you are not using product groups!
They can help you get more specific about your personal wellness, build your business, take better care of your family and pets, and more!
And since you can create a product group with whatever specifications you want—you are only limited by your imagination! Plus, the longer you use product groups, the more good ideas will come to you on how to use them to maximize your iTOVi benefits!
Don’t miss out on this fabulous feature from the iTOVi App!
And keep scanning!